

The Role of Ozonizer: On Bathroom Products

An ozonizer is a kind of air or water cleanser. It kills the bacteria and filters out the contaminants with the help of ozone. As we know ozone is a form of oxygen, it is present naturally in the upper levels of the atmosphere, where it contributes a significant role in parting the ultraviolet radiations....

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Smart tips to maintain the hygiene of your Bathtubs

Just like any other area of your home, your hot tubs need timely cleaning to keep their sparkle and glamour alive. So, when it comes to cleaning the bathtubs, it is advised to not only sweep the dust mites as you clean your beddings instead give it the perfect sanitization and ensure the cleanliness of...

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Feng Shui Tips for Bathroom Accessories

Do you know Hydrotherapy can treat various disease and disorders just by creating a set of different combinations of water with temperature and pressure? It does wonders to your muscular pains and helps in dealing with stress and much more. A perfect wellness begins at home. So, Oyster bath brings a wide range of Whirlpool...

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Advantages of Hydrotherapy in Daily Life

Do you know Hydrotherapy can treat various disease and disorders just by creating a set of different combinations of water with temperature and pressure? It does wonders to your muscular pains and helps in dealing with stress and much more. A perfect wellness begins at home. So, Oyster bath brings a wide range of Whirlpool...

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Tips to design your bathroom with Oyster bath

Do you agree that the bathroom is an essential segment of your home? So, it should be outstanding regarding products, accessories, vanities. While choosing fabulous products for furnishing always go for an authentic bathtub manufacturer. Let’s meet the grounds of contemporary and genteel trends and make it perfect. It takes quality and quantity to redefine...

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Know more about chromotherapy: Wellness through colours

The ancient civilisations of Egypt and Greece believed that diseases occur due to the imbalance in life and this absence can be managed through colours. The treatment with colours was popular in ancient Egypt and Greece. Knowing about the medicines was a secret science and the essential knowledge of chromotherapy was considered most sacred. In...

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A General overview of bathtubs

As we all are aware that bathtubs are a great source of rejuvenation, they bring satisfaction to the soul and body. Do you know that the physics of displacement was discovered by Archimedes when he was soaking in his tub? So, you can also explore a fascinating idea during a refreshing bath in your tub....

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5 Things you need to know about the steam bath

It is a wonderful provision of a relaxing bath that is commonly found in fitness centers, clubs, and now in homes. These baths were invented hundreds of years ago in various parts of the world with different names. Here are some basic details and benefits of steam baths: 1. The historic truth. This bathing is...

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