

Steam Room & Sauna Bathroom
Steam Room & Sauna Bathroom

Oyster presents a range of the most sophisticated sauna systems to meet your wellness needs completely. Each feature and function seamlessly blends to rejuvenate your body and elevate your spirits in style. So step into your own cocoon of freshness and emerge recharged to take on the world a new.

Size Available

  • 1200 X 1200 X 2150mm

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  • Feather Touch Control with Remote Control
  • White Seasoned Pine Wood with Both Side Paneling
  • 3 kW Sauna Heater with Lava Stone
  • Temperature Clock
  • Bucket with Ladle
  • Sand Timer
  • Wooden Pillow
  • Wooden Heater Guard & Wooden Exhaust Vent
  • Chromotherapy Aluminium Frame with 8 mm Fixed Tempered Glass & Hinged Door
  • FM Radio, CD & USB Compatibility