
Tips to ensure bathroom safety!!!


Did you know that your bathroom is the most dangerous room in your house? The bathroom is equipped with several things that might not be safe making it important to ensure bathroom safety. Home accidents occur in the bathroom more than anywhere else and could happen with anyone from newborns to elderly people so help ensure everybody's well being with these bathroom safety tips -

1. Adequate lighting for every hour – Getting up to go to the bathroom at night is very common. By installing lights that light up the walkway from the bedroom to the bathroom, you can reduce the chance of a fall or injury. The bathroom should be clutter-free and have enough space to walk around.

2. Reduce the risk of slipping – Add non-skid strips to the bottom of the bathtub and the floor. If you are planning to remodel your bathroom, install a bathtub or shower with built-in proofing. Put mats or rugs that are slip-resistant. Laying smaller-size tiles that require more ground decreases floor slipperiness as well. Avoid walking on wet floors as much as possible. Another person can help you from falling or assist you if you require help getting in and out of the bathtub.

3. Avoid the danger of scalding - Many people may not feel the temperature of the water due to certain medications or neurological damage or due to thinner skin. If Bathtub water is too hot can cause deeper burns. If the water temperature is too high, it can lead to burns from scalding water.

4. Safeguard against electric shock – The results of an electric shock in the bathroom is severe in the bathroom than in any other place as the wet body reduces our body's resistance. It is mandatory to install protection on new or old areas where a water source is close at hand. A luxury bathtub with an ELCB (earth leakage circuit breaker) function is recommended for safety purposes.

5. Install grab bars in the toilet areas and near bathtubs - They are an indispensable part of bathroom safety. Grab bars must be installed in the toilet areas either vertically or horizontally. Towel rails are not a firm enough substitute. Most of the accidents happen as people of any age are getting into and out of the shower. This safety measure is not just for the elderly people but also the young lot.

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