
On World Water Day: The importance of water and wellness with Oyster Bath


There is no life without water on this planet, it is the lifeline. On March 22nd World Water Day is celebrated to spread awareness and how to conserve water. The environmentalists say that the planet is not running out of water, but the distribution of water is changed a lot due to huge variations in the climate.


Let's make people aware of the value of water and ask them to avoid the wastage of water in their daily routine. Like at the time of drinking, cooking, gardening, bathing, washing, cleaning, etc. The list is never-ending but one day if proper measures are not taken to control and restrict its wastage, it will vanish from the life essentials. It is a well-known saying that 'A healthy body leads to a healthy mind'. Water plays an essential role in making this precious life healthy and happy. Clean water is the source of hygiene, it increases your stamina to work more and keeps you fit and sound.


It is important to drink clean water and take the bath with clean water. Bath time is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. You should consider the facts of how the skin attracts germs from bath and shower water. Do you know an average person can absorb more diseases and is prone to infections from bathing than drinking polluted water? Hydration is important for your body at the same time purity and sanitation both are prominent issues for development and human wellness. Water energizes the muscles during a relaxing spa bath for home, prevents lots of diseases and it also elevates your mood after a refreshing bath.


Share your innovative ideas and thoughts to restrict the wastage of water and spread awareness. Here are some easy water-saving tips for you in the bathroom. In the shower, install efficient shower heads that do not consume much water, put a bucket in the shower while you're waiting for the water to warm up, and later use it in the garden. At the sink turn off the faucets while brushing or shaving and fix those leaky bathroom faucets. In the toilets don't flush things into the toilet to dispose of them. With these tips, you can save water and enjoy your bath time without regretting it.


Do whatever it takes, but conserve the precious source of life because every drop counts. Clean water plays an efficient role in changing life, society, and the environment. The more clean water is around you the more you will feel relaxed and refreshed. The quality and quantity of water affect your living standards.

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